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Latest Reviews

“Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy: A Timeless Tale of Love and Tragedy

Though published way back in the 1870s, this masterpiece remains painfully relevant given its…

Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None”: Murder and Mystery on Soldier Island

As a longtime mystery buff, Agatha Christie’s “And Then There Were None”, previously published as…

“Dune” by author Frank Herbert: Spice Up Your Reading List!

As both a sci-fi nerd and voracious reader, Frank Herbert’s epic 1965 novel “Dune” has long stood…

“A Game of Thrones” by author George R. R. Martin

Winter is Coming! As both a fantasy nerd and avid reader, I’ve consumed my fair share of…

“Python Crash Course, 3rd Edition” by author Eric Matthes

“Python Crash Course” by Eric Matthes is one of the most popular resources for learning Python…

“Cosmos” by author Carl Sagan

Welcome to our review of Carl Sagan’s masterpiece, Cosmos: The Story of Cosmic Evolution, Science…

“Good to Go” by author Christie Aschwanden

Have you ever wondered how to optimize your body’s recovery and performance? In her book “Good to…

“The Dead Romantics” by author Ashley Poston

When it comes to captivating fictional worlds and heartfelt love stories, author Ashley Poston is no…